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We help other companies develop new business mo dels and services and digitalise their business-critical processes along the entire value chain – regardless of their size and industry. We have made it our aim to offer software solutions that help “Creating a world that works better”, in private as well as professional environments. Our comprehensive offering, which goes far beyond software for classic IT support, addressing the important issues of our time better than ever before. Of which are now more relevant than ever before.

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Among them, work-from-anywhere, an increased number of connected devices globally, automation, Industry 4.0, the digital transformation of all industries and, last but not least, the idea of sustainability – all This gives us confidence in our future.ĬOVID-19 has ended up accelerating several megatrends over the past two years.

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Since our IPO, we have developed enormously and are very well positioned strategically and in terms of our product portfolio. Tremendous potential in a growing market – this is something we can build on. TeamViewer is a strong, highly profitable company with The trust we lost in the capi tal markets in 2021 will need to be regained in the new year. Along with all of these key achievements, 2021 also held some setbacks. We successfully expanded our enterprise business and strengthened our global presence and brand awareness – all in the midst of the ongoing global corona pandemic. We set the strategic course for the company’s future, entered into landmark partnerships and further developed our product port folio while taking a leading position in the field of augmented reality software.

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The year 2021 was a year full of momentum, continuous advancement and change for us at TeamViewer.

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Letter to the shareholders Dear Shareholders,

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